Don't simply block pain. speed recovery and deal with its cause
OSKA - An exciting Solution
If you're treading on broken glass, isn't it better to remove the glass rather than put on tougher shoes?
Let the OSKA Pulse get to the cause of your pain.
Explore the science behind the OSKA Pulse
Our bodies inherently use electrical energy to build and maintain our cells, tissues, organs, and bones. A healthy cellular metabolism is crucial for cell renewal and regeneration. However, when electrical potentials are lost due to injury or degenerative issues, cellular metabolism is adversely affected. In each of our joints, compression and decompression of cells (of the cellular matrix) creates voltage differentials that open or close gates in the cell membrane transporter channels, managing the exchange of important ions such as sodium, potassium and calcium.
OSKA Pulse Therapy
By mimicking the body’s own electrical energy, PEMF helps the body restore the electrical potentials needed for optimal ion exchange, speeding the natural healing process. Clinical Trials Support PEMF Technology. Over 2,000 double-blind studies have been conducted to better understand the effectiveness of PEMF in assisting the body’s recovery from injury or degenerative issues. These studies have established the efficacy of the OSKA Pulse, providing you with a scientifically-backed solution for recovery (cellular regeneration) giving you ultimate pain relief and improved wellbeing.
Four stage sequential treatment program
OSKA Pulse encourages cellular regeneration by providing four programs recognised for their natural effectiveness in load-bearing tissue. The waveforms and frequency structures used by the OSKA Pulse correspond to the following:

Angiogenesis is the physiological process through which new blood vessels form from preexisting vessels. This process is crucial for growth and development, wound healing, and restoring blood supply to tissues when blood circulation is compromised.

Chondrogenesis is the essential process of cartilage formation. Our treatment protocol stimulates the extracellular matrix in connective tissues, promoting healthy development and supporting a strong skeletal system.

Osteogenesis, or ossification, is the biological process of bone formation in the human body. This process is crucial for bone development, growth, and repair. Osteogenesis plays a significant role in healing, particularly when a bone is fractured.

Pain reduction
The OSKA Pulse effectively relieves pain by signalling reduction rather than blocking it, preserving your body’s natural healing processes. Decreasing pain signals through the central nervous system promotes comfort and encourages recovery.

Clinical Study
Double blind clinical trial
Treating Chronic Pain Using the Oska Pulse Device, a double-blind clinical trial with placebo.
A TGA Registered Device
The OSKA Pulse is registered with the TGA as a Medical Device Class IIa. (ARTG: 369331)
A non-invasive pulsed electromagnetic field device intended to be used alone or as adjunctive therapy for improved healing of existing conditions, reduce inflammation, and as an additional therapy in treating osteoarticular inflammatory condition i.e. arthritis.