Recently, when discussing the field of PEMFT (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy) with my doctor, she suggested that many health professionals have no clear understanding of how PEMFT works or even what PEMFT is. Unfortunately, there are some purveyors of PEMF devices that use terms in their advertising that sound good but have no scientific credence. In other words, pseudo-science. How does the ordinary person syphon fact from fiction? This is a real problem when we assume that industry safeguards such as FDA and TGA would prosecute those providing false information. I recently came across one such device where a good deal of what was said was accurate. Unfortunately, terms used like “get more frequencies into your cells” was used, which made me angry. You can’t consume frequencies! Frequency is a measurement of something happening over a period of time, not something you consume.
My experience in the field of bioelectronics spans 17 years, although I was introduced to it back in my high school days in England. But let’s put my experience in perspective.
I was 12 years into my electronics career when the first piece of medical equipment landed on my bench for repair. While most of my experience had been in domestic appliances such as radio, television, electric irons and even toasters and shavers…yes, we repaired everything in those days. My business had grown exponentially and now had contracts in marine navigation and communication equipment. We serviced almost anything plugged into the mains or powered by a battery.
Two accidents influenced innovative product development
My introduction to medical science was through a heart monitoring device that had been dropped on a hard surface and refused to show any signs of life when switched on. I needed to know how it worked and what it was supposed to do to fix it. At least, that’s what I thought at the time.
The information supplied took me back to my days in the science lab at high school back in England; when, with wires attached to a 1.5v torch battery and the ends soldered to pins, we tried to make a frog’s leg twitch by applying the pins to nerve endings. Finding nerve endings was the trick. Sitting next to me, Derick was the first to get a result. He squealed, jumped up like someone had stuck a pin in his backside, and hid his face in his hands, refusing to show me where he had stuck the pins. (Although extremely unlikely, it wouldn’t surprise me to find that Derick became a surgeon.) After much probing, my dead frog’s leg managed to twitch. This was my first introduction to the complexity of the body’s electro-chemical system.
Fixing the heart machine was easy. A critical PC board had slipped out of its socket, and once pushed back into place, lights flashed, and the screen lit up. All good. As a result, more medical equipment came our way, hence my introduction to the world of bioelectronics.
Forty years later, having sold my business and a few career changes, Shirley and I were running a boutique Retirement Village. While Shirley was the overall manager looking after the welfare of the residents, I was the operations manager looking after the practical side.
I won’t go into how it happened; that’s another interesting story; I fell off a roof! Landing heavily on my left side on a concrete surface, my elbow broke several ribs, and although my wrist saved me from shattering my hip, x-rays at the hospital showed all the small bones in my wrist were shattered. Fortunately, the surgeon on duty was an expert in his field, and apart from a few scars, I have full use of my wrist. However, his advice was something I have never forgotten and later became a significant factor in developing the Oska Pulse. After the pins holding my wrist together had been removed, my surgeon explained the need for physical exercise. His words, “It’s the compression and decompression of the cellular matrix, that through chemical action, provides electrical potentials (energy) across the cell membrane, allowing the exchange of important ions such as sodium, potassium and calcium, critical to cell regeneration.” Words I have never forgotten.
It was just a year later when a friend introduced me to PEMT…. Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy. He showed me a small red device, about the size of a bar of soap, that, when switched on, delivered a series of electromagnet pulses designed to speed healing. That device was called the e-cell. It was programmed with several SIM cards, like those used in mobile phones. My friend surmised that our retirement village situation would allow us to test the e-cell on some of our ailing residents. Shirley was reluctant until she had tested it herself. Having suffered from sciatica for several years, she was an ideal test patient.
After several weeks of using the e-cell around six hours each day, Shirley’s experience was extremely positive, with no need to continue visiting her physio. Nearly all her pain had gone. By this time, several residents in the village had also experienced positive results. So, it was obvious to me that if I had been able to use the e-cell on my wrist after surgery, my recovery would have been much faster.
After some soul searching, we really enjoyed running the village like a private hotel; we partnered with our friend to market the product in Australia. Medic Technology Pty Ltd was born.
Over the next five years, we established the product and evaluated its efficacy through anecdotal experience and the positive results of double-blind trials undertaken by Edith Cowan University here in WA.
However, my experience in the electronics industry made it evident to me that the e-cell could be improved. I was also studying biomedical science and becoming far more knowledgeable on the effects of PEMF and the body’s response. Our granddaughter was studying health science at Murdoch University and passed on course material and video lectures that enormously helped me understand the body’s electrochemical system; more importantly, the natural healing processes leading to cellular regeneration.
The new Medic Technology
In 2010, Shirley and I took over the business registered as Medic Technology International Pty Ltd, supplying the product to agencies worldwide. However, toward the end of 2013, the e-cell manufacturers in Singapore were advised that to retain its certification as a Medical Device, changes had to be made to its configuration and manufacturing process. These changes would have to be made at a significant cost. Manufacturing of the e-cell ceased and left us with no alternative but to pursue the design of our own product.
Our business contact in Phoenix, Arizona, suggested that as the population of the USA was some 350 million, we should pursue business in the USA? Even manufacturing the product in the USA may be an advantage. In 2014 we took the prototype to the USA, established a manufacturer and set up a business entity to distribute the product worldwide. The Oska Pulse was released in February 2015 from the head office of Oska Wellness Inc in Carlsbad, San Diego.
Oska has undergone a few modifications since the first release plus the addition of the three-hour device which is now the option most in demand.
We’re now represented in agencies around the world with our major interest being the USA. Most exciting for us now are the Oska Pulse Clinical Trials being conducted in Germany for CRPS and Endometriosis. While we have much anecdotal evidence supporting the success of Oska, scientific proof will be a huge bonus. We have recently updated our website and shortly our corporate website will undergo some changes. What will not change is our focus on customer support! Our business growth is very much dependant on word-of-mouth promotion. We want to keep the price of Oska Pulse as low as possible and currently limiting advertising to social media and person to person reviews. We do have an Affiliate Program running and that too is assisting in brand awareness.
Thank you for your interest in wading through the history of Oska. There is much more we could share but that may come in another form later.